Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Illustration Friday: Sweater

So this is my visual representation of Sweater. My sweater is on a teddy bear that I named Delila... not sure why but it seemed to fit when i finished her. The colors on her sweater are royal purple and green, but when i took pictures it turned out kind of blue:( Anyway I drew her because i couldn't think of any thing else to draw. I was going to draw a dog in a sweater but since I hate when people actually do that I drew this instead.


  1. Good, logical interpretation of this assignment. I would like to see this developed further to demonstrate an even greater sense of space and place around the subject!

  2. This is really cute. I like that it fills up almost the entire space, so it's like you don't even need color in the background. The sweatered (is that a word?) bear can kind of stand on its own.
