Monday, June 20, 2011

Illustration Friday: Reverse

This is my interpretation of Reverse. This picture is of two cats that are in my mind the reverse of each other. The cat on the left is all black except for the whiskers, nose and eyes which are silvery white. The cat on the right is the reverse with black whiskers, nose and eyes. This also reminds me of the Yin Yang symbol for peace and harmony which was part of the inspiration for this illustration. Also, i'm not gonna lie I have about as much artistic ability as a rock and thought cats would be a fairly easy thing to attempt to draw.


  1. I would not be able to draw this you are definitely better at drawing then me. I like how you compared this drawing to Yin Yang because it gives me something to easily relate it to.

  2. Kristen- I appreciate your thinking behind this illustration. Remember that in this class for the Illustration Friday assignments, I do not grade on product or skill as much as I grade on creative thinking and effective problem-solving!

  3. Those kitties are so cute! And I like that you used the Yin Yang thing to represent reverse. I thought about that but couldn't really think of how to use it... I like it.

  4. You are an amazing artist! This was such a great idea :) I love the symmetry involved with the drawing!
